Abstract Submission

  • The deadline of sending notification to be presented is 29th Agust 2018.
  • Verbal, Virtual and Poster notificaions may be Turkish and English The language for presentation will be chosen during the appeal.
  • The abstracts must be Turkish and English in the same Word folder.
  • Verbal presentations will be limited by 15 mins.
  • Turkish and English abstract titles must be 13 puntos.
  • The first letter of the names and surnames of the researcher(s) must be capital and centered to the page.
  • The caption of the writers, the organization where they work, place and e-mail adresses must be written in the footnote by 10 puntos. 
  • The abstract must be between 150-300 words, 10 puntos and 3-5 keywords.
  • Aim, method, findings and conclusion (for the completed Works) must take place in the abstract.
  • Sending the notification, and optional full text sending will be done via e-mail.
  • Full text notifications will be arranged according to the writing rules.
  • The whole writings must be Time New Roman style, on eline spacing and justified. 

You can send your abstract to brandandbrandcity@gumushane.edu.tr