Bildiri Özet Kitapçığı with abstracts was published as a draft.

Dear Scientists
We are so glad that ve we realized International Brand and Brand City Congress in Gumushane, Turkey. We regard as a great pleasure preparing and presenting a floor on which the academic discussions are made related to brand and brand city while our country passing through an economically tough period. In this respect, we hosted both local and international academics who are carrying on studies on different disciplines related to Brand and Brand City for 3 days in Gumushane University between 27-29th September 2018. 
The academics and researchers who came to Gumushane from different countries of the world, met on common ground “Brand” with their different ideas, projects and works from Marketing to Social Media, from Law to International Relations, from Politics to Economics and from Art to Tecnolology. We believe that with this meeting, a synergy is created which has national and international reflections. In this congress, in which academics and researchers presented papers from different disciplines, in accordance with our slogan “EVERYTHING REGARDING BRAND”, we contributed listenners to live a high  “Brand Interaction” with advertiser writers and broadcasters who are expert in their field and contributing branding efforts with their applications in the sector. 
Hereby, we thank to our honorary board members, organization board members and science board for their great contributions to realize International Brand and Brand City Congress.

Please keep following us from our site for upcoming events.
Best Regards,

International Brand and Brand City Congress Organization Board
29 October 2018